Decision Support System for Coagulopathy
Andy Nguyen,M.D./ UT-Medical School at Houston, Pathology/
Last Revision on: 12/27/04
WEB COAG is a WWW-based decision-support system for diagnosis of coagulopathy. Currently, there are three main
features in this system:
- Coagulation Profile:displays pattern of seven screenning
coagulation tests for each disorder. The tests include: prothrombin time (PT),
activated partial thromboplastin time (PTT), fibrinogen (FIB), thrombin time (TT),
fibrin split product (FSP), platelet count (PLT), and bleeding time (BT).
- Differential Diagnosis:displays differential diagnoses
that fit the coagulation results given by the user.
- Synopsis of Coagulopathy and Therapy:displays essential
information on coagulopathy and therapeutic modalities.